Eliminating Annoying Acne Naturally

Acne on your face is really horrible. Do you want to remove all the acnes? Many chemicals remedy you have used but have no result? Worse, if you have allergic to those chemicals acnes treatments, your face will even look more terrible.
Pesky acne can be removed with natural ways

In this post, you will get some suggestions about how you can remove acne naturally. It’s easy and the material may be found in your house.

Egg Masker
Use the egg white as face masker

Take an egg and remove the yolk. You only need the egg white for the masker. To create the masker, stir the egg white and smear it to your face. Wait for 15 minutes and clean it. Through this way, you will free from oily face that usually easily get acne.

Tomato is good for your skin

Tomato that rich of vitamin will make your skin cleaner and softer. You can eat organic tomato every day. Moreover, you can use this vegetable for face masker.  Cut tomato to be two slices. Rub the tomato slice on your face. Wait for 15 – 60 minutes and clean your face.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is the perfect face cleanser

Aloe Vera has many functions. One of them is as face cleaner. You can put one leave of Aloe Vera. Peel it and use the inner substance as face masker. Routinely, you can use Aloe Vera in the morning and evening for the best result.

Pounded garlic helps you eliminating acne

Garlic is powerful natural antibiotic and antibacterial. Pound one or two garlic and put the pounded garlic at the acne on your face.

Having clean and soft face is really adorable. You don’t need to buy expensive chemicals acne treatment, if you can use natural way to get a better and safe result.

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